Chronic Pain

Blood Vessel Issues Can Lead to Chronic Pain in the Leg

Leg artery and vein issues might contribute to chronic leg pain. Leg blood arteries might close off, become squeezed, or irritated. Blood vessel issues are a common cause of chronic pain in the legs, and we’ll go through some of the most common causes of this pain. Walking on numb feet or with chronic leg pain is one symptom of poor circulation in the legs.

In this article, you will learn ways of managing how to prevent chronic pain, and understand pain signals, and their implications for mental health — not exclusively about using nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, but also with relaxation techniques, and other natural pain medicines.

Impairment of blood flow, or claudication

chronic pain in the legs

Vascular claudication refers to chronic pain in the legs caused by a lack of blood flow. When one or more of the arteries in the leg become clogged, blood flow to the leg muscles is compromised or cut off entirely. Common signs include: 

  • Chronic foot pain that radiates up the afflicted leg when walking, with relief after walking is halted;
  • Skin redness that improves when the legs are elevated; 
  • Numbness and/or paralysis in the affected leg;
  • Vascular claudication can affect one leg, or both, at the same time.

Deep vein thrombosis

Deep vein thrombosis refers to a blood clot that has formed in a deep vein. Depending on the size and location of the clot, the symptoms might include:

  • Chronic leg or hip pain and pain
  • Skin redness and stiffness all over the leg
  • Localized heat and oedema

In the event that the blood clot breaks loose and travels via the circulatory system to other organs like the lungs, complications may arise (pulmonary embolism).

Chronic leg pain and itching may be the first symptoms of deep vein thrombosis, which often begins as varicose or bulging veins. 3 The spiderlike appearance of these veins indicates that they are closer to the skin’s surface.

Exertion-induced compartment syndrome

Leg and foot chronic pain may be caused by increased pressure inside the leg’s muscular compartments or bundles. Common symptoms include: chronic pain that worsens with activity and improves with rest; numbness and tingling in the afflicted leg; weakness in the ankle muscles that causes the foot to ‘slap’ on the ground when walking; and, as the disease worsens, chronic pain evolve even when at rest.

Trauma, senior age, and the existence of certain underlying illnesses, such as diabetes or obesity, are major causes of blood vessel issues in the leg(s). The origin and kind of the blood vessel issue can be determined with the aid of a doctor. Constraining and even halting the development of Chronic Pain may be possible with early therapy.

Injuries and Pain in the Legs

Injuries and Pain in the Legs

Pain in the hips or pelvis can radiate to the thigh and even the foot if there is an underlying problem in the leg’s muscles or joints. Leg pain is often associated with issues in the hip joint, sacroiliac joint, or piriformis muscle. The pain caused by these structures often feels like radiculopathy or nerve pain.

Inflammation and degeneration of the hip joint

Fraying and wearing of the hip joint (osteoarthritis) often causes: severe agonising pain in the hip and groyne region that extends to the front of the leg and the knee, and occasionally to regions below the knee. Crepitus, or a locking, sticking or grinding noise during hip motion.

Mornings, waking up, and periods of inactivity/rest/activity all tend to bring on the worst pain.

Problems with the sacroiliac (SI) joints

Due to aberrant motion or malalignment, the SI joint in the pelvis can be a source of pain. Pain in the lower back and buttocks that radiates to the back and sides of the thighs is one of the most common symptoms.

  • Pain is often exacerbated by changes in posture, such as rising from a seated position or sitting on a hard surface.

Some people get relief from SI joint pain by laying down or by walking.

Syndrome of the piriformis muscle

Sometimes the sciatic nerve is compressed as it exits the pelvis because the deep buttock muscle, the piriformis, is too tight. The following symptoms often occur:

  • The intense, searing pain that radiates down the back of the leg Tingling in the calf and thigh Hip and buttock numbness.
  • Pain from piriformis syndrome is sometimes worst in the morning or after extended hours of sitting.

In addition to being sedentary and not moving your hips and legs enough, there are many additional causes of leg pain. These include torn muscles, trauma, ageing, strain, dehydration, and age-related muscular atrophy. Proper identification of the underlying problem is essential for developing an appropriate treatment plan.

Solutions for Treating Leg Chronic Pain

When treating moderate leg pain, self-care and lifestyle adjustments may be effective first lines of defence. A medical expert should be seen for pain that is severe, does not subside after two weeks, worsens with time, and/or causes significant impairment to daily life.

Both general practitioners and specialists diagnose and treat leg pain. Both nonsurgical and surgical methods may be necessary to address the underlying issue.

Options for Chronic Leg Pain Treatment

Leg pain is often treated non-surgically initially, using drugs, physical therapy, and/or epidural steroid injections. When the following conditions are met and nonsurgical therapies have been exhausted without success, surgical intervention may be suggested.

Deterioration or loss of bowel and/or bladder function due to: 

  • severe illness, cancer, or tumours; 
  • progressive neurological abnormalities, such as leg weakness and/or numbness; 
  • The patient has to have a structural issue that is known to be responsive to surgery in order to have a successful surgical outcome.

Care Provided by Doctors for Leg Pain

A patient’s first stop for relief from leg pain is usually their family doctor. Any medical professional who treats patients first is considered a primary care physician. Depending on the severity of the leg pain and other symptoms, the doctor may recommend pain medication and/or physical therapy.

A primary care physician may suggest consulting a specialist for additional testing or treatment options if they deem it appropriate.

Medical professionals that focus on relieving chronic leg pain

Conditions affecting the lower extremities (legs and/or feet) often require the attention of a physician with particular expertise in that area. Among the many medical specialists who treat leg pain are:

  • Professionals who prescribe drugs and provide injections, such as physiatrists, osteopathic physicians, rheumatologists, anaesthesiologists, neurologists, and pain management specialists.
  • Surgeons and other medical professionals who specialise in surgical procedures; Medical professionals that specialise in fixing broken bones and mending damaged nerves.
  • Psychologists, cognitive behavioural therapists, and clinical social workers are just some of the mental health professionals that may be able to assist with the management of anxiety and/or depression that may accompany chronic leg pain.

Treating leg and foot pain quickly can help the affected limb function better and allow the patient to resume regular activities. Some forms of leg pain can worsen over time if not managed, potentially leading to serious issues including permanent disability. Consult a medical professional to determine the root of your leg pain and get proper treatment.


For more information on chronic pain management, acute pain, pain disorders, chronic pain resources, psychogenic pain, effective chronic pain treatment options for pain relief, or other physical therapy, you should book a consultation session with a specialist at Chronic Therapy today, to give you professional advice that will suit your personal experience.

Also, for people who develop chronic pain due to unforeseen circumstances and are constantly worried about treatment options to relieve pain, and how to treat chronic pain or get their chronic pain treated, our specialists at Chronic Therapy have made huge success over the year in recommending reliable resources such as CBD derived from medical cannabis used to manage chronic pain from nerve pain or any other developing chronic pain conditions.